
An interesting module to add more depth and color to your sounds. The input signal triggers the 4024 binary counter whenever the signal crosses zero. Therefore you can use nearly any input signal not only squares. The input signal is divided by 2, 4, 8 and 16 with the counter. The outputs of the counter (4024) are added together in two ways. One weighted, the other with equal values. All divisions are attenuated with potentiometers. The weighted output gives you a more triangle shaped output. You can add lots of harmonics in widely adjustable different combinations.
Specs and features
- Divides nearly any signal by 2, 4, 8, 16
- Weighted and unweighted added output signal
- Adds widely adjustable harmonics to you signal
- Variable gain for both outputs
- Runs on +/-15V and +/-12V
- Power consumption around 10mA each rail

Divide and add schematic: Control board
- None
Building hints
- None
Special parts
- None
Divide and add Euro control board documentation downloadDivide and add Euro control board Gerber files download
Divide and add Euro *.fpd file