Walsh 32 Function Generator / VCO


Walsh Oscillator front view.

This is is the realization I dreamed of for a long time. A Walsh function generator. This one generates the first 32 Walsh functions. They are mixed together with potentiometers, so you can dial in the waveform you want at the output. I have grouped the outputs in four groups for experimenting with different numbers of partials (7, 15, 23, 31). Those four outputs are only slightly low pass filtered with fixed cutoff frequency. For usage I recommend to use the raw output add on and go through a proper voltage controlled filter using the same control voltage as the driver VCO. I drive the Walsh Generator from my High Speed VCO. Which gives a max output frequency of 7.5kHz. This should be enough for audio use. You can go higher though. There is a method to calculate waveforms described by Benjamin Franklin Jacoby PhD in "Walsh Functions, A Digital Fourier Series" Byte Book of Computer Music pg65ff or Byte Magazin September 1977. I used this article intensively for this build. The other one used was from Electronotes Supplement S-008 pg5ff. You can find other sources for Walsh functions on the net as well. Including interactive Walsh generators. There is a other add on module which gives access to the individual Walsh functions

Specs and features



Walsh 32 Function Generator Walsh functions

Walsh 32 Function Generator: Walsh functions

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic 01 main board

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic: Main board 01

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic 02 main board

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic: Main board 02

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic control board A1

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic: Control board A1

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic control board F2

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic: Control board F2/01

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic control board F2

Walsh 32 Function Generator schematic: Control board F2/02


The logic circuitry is a combination from Electronotes Supplement S-008 pg5ff and Benjamin Franklin Jacoby PhD in "Walsh Functions, A Digital Fourier Series" Byte Book of Computer Music pg65ff or Byte Magazin September 1977. You can look up the detailed description there. The rest are just potentiometers to add the functions and four standard low pass filters.



  • None

Building hints

  • None

Special parts

  • None


Walsh 32 Function Generator control board 01 documentation download
Walsh 32 Function Generator control board 01 Gerber files download
Walsh 32 Function Generator control board 02 documentation download
Walsh 32 Function Generator control board 02 Gerber files download
Walsh 32 Function Generator main board documentation download
Walsh 32 Function Generator main board Gerber files download
Walsh 32 Function Generator *.fpd file

Walsh 32 Function Generator front view

Walsh 32 Function Generator: Front view

Walsh 32 Function Generator halve front view

Walsh 32 Function Generator: Halve front view

Walsh 32 Function Generator populated control PCB 01

Walsh 32 Function Generator: Populated control PCB 01

Walsh 32 Function Generator populated control PCB 02

Walsh 32 Function Generator: Populated control PCB 02

Walsh 32 Function Generator populated main PCB

Walsh 32 Function Generator: Populated main PCB

Walsh 32 Function Generator halve back view

Walsh 32 Function Generator: Halve back view

Walsh 32 Function Generator side view

Walsh 32 Function Generator: Side view

2024 January

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