
This is a useful and often needed utility module. The input voltage is precisely reproduced on the outputs. It comes in handy when you need to distribute signals which must be decoupled. The input signal is buffered and decoupled with means of individual operational amplifiers. One input drives 6 individual outputs. The accuracy depends on the used operational amplifier. For pitch CV I recommend precision OpAmps like the LT1014 (quad) and LT1013 (dual).
Specs and features
- 6 independent buffered outputs
- Runs on +/-12V and +/-15V
- Power consumption below 10mA each rail

Buffered Multiple schematic: Main board

Buffered Multiple schematic: Control board 02
Just some buffers.
- None
Building hints
- The accuracy depends on the used operational amplifier. For pitch CV I recommend precision OpAmps like the LT1014 (quad) and LT1013 (dual).
Special parts
- None
Buffered Multiple main PCB documentation downloadBuffered Multiple main PCB Gerber files download
Buffered Multiple control PCB documentation download
Buffered Multiple control PCB Gerber files download