10V to 5V and 10V to 8V


10V to 5V and 10V to 8V front

This utility module comes in handy in bigger systems when you have to convert signals in certain ranges. This one converts from 10V to 5V (2:1) and 10V to 8V (1:0.8). Mainly thought for converting (non pitch relevant) CV. Of course you can use a utility mixer instead. But those might be rare in your system or otherwise used. I have another module which does the revers job here.

Specs and features



10V to 5V and 10V to 8V schematic control board

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V: Schematic control board

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V schematic main board

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V: Schematic main board


Just eight*two inverting amplifiers with the ratio 2:1 and 1:0.8.



  • None

Building hints

  • None

Special parts

  • None


10V to 5V and 10V to 8V control board documentation download
10V to 5V and 10V to 8V control board Gerber files download
10V to 5V and 10V to 8V main board documentation download
10V to 5V and 10V to 8V main board Gerber files download
10V to 5V and 10V to 8V *.fpd file

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V front view

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V: Front view

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V populated control PCB front

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V: Populated control PCB

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V populated main PCB

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V: Populated main PCB

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V halve side view

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V: Halve front

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V halve back view

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V: Halve back

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V side view

10V to 5V and 10V to 8V: Side view

2024 July

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