
Not much to say. Just a unidirectional toggle switch. The input is switched between two buffered outputs. Voltage and manually controlled. Status signaled with LED.
Specs and features
- Voltage and manually controlled
- Buffered in and output
- Unidirectional
- Status signaled by LED
- Runs on +/-15V and +/-12V
- Power consumption below 15mA each rail

Voltage controlled toggle switch 1 in 2: Schematic control board
Nothing special here just a switch one in two with buffered in and output.
- None
Building hints
- None
Special parts
- You want to use the DG403B with the voltage range +/-15V. Check the datasheet. There are lower rated ones.
VC Toggle Switch control board documentation downloadVC Toggle Switch control board Gerber files download
VC Toggle Switch *.fpd file