
From time to time I want to integrate a 12V Eurorack module in my 15V banana setup. So I needed a 15V to 12V adaptor. Nothing spectacular. Just from the datasheet.
This adaptor was tested with a load of 1A each rail. It is tested working properly down to an input voltage of 14,5V with an 1A load on each rail. So it should work fine in every 15V system. With a safety margin of 0.5V.
Specs and features
- Input +/-15V DC (or higher)
- Output +/-12V DC

15V to 12V Adaptor schematic
Just the standard configuration from the datasheets.
- Adjust TR1 for +12V
- Adjust TR2 for -12V
Building hints
- For higher currents mount heat sink
- Use Tantalum capacitors for C2 and C5
Special parts
- None
15V to 12V Adaptor documentation download15V to 12V Adaptor Gerber files download