
This is the little brother to my 9 in 2 Mixer. For those which need more channels. I have reduced the channel count to seven but made the mixer stackable and added a main output volume control. It is still usable as simple submix with pre- and post fader out, pan adjustment and stereo out. Nothing special and overlay complicated. Only for module mixing and mixing in some effects to this or that channel. A seven channel mixer with faders for the volume, panpots, pre- and post fader out per channel and stereo mix out with volume control. The chain in- and outputs are pre- and post fader as well.
Specs and features
- 7 in 2 channels
- Pre- and post fader out per channel
- Stackable
- Panning
- Stereo out
- Power consumption around 100mA each rail

Mixer 7 in 2 schematic: Control board 01

Mixer 7 in 2 schematic: Control board 02
Just a straight forward implementation of a mixer. Nothing special to mention.
- None
Building hints
- This a all SMD project. Work slowly when soldering.
Special parts
- The faders are from Befaco
Mixer 7 in 2 control board documentation downloadMixer 7 in 2 control board Gerber files download
Mixer 7 in 2 *.fpd file