
I have a dedicated drum case with some drum modules, effects and a dedicated stereo out going to external mixer. For this case I wanted a simple submix with pre- and post fader out, pan adjustment and stereo out. Nothing special and overlay complicated. Only to mix the drums and add some effects to this or that channel. So, here is the outcome. A nine channel mixer with faders for the volume, panpots, pre- and post fader out per channel and stereo mix out. Of course you can use it everywhere as mixer, not only for drums.
Specs and features
- Nine channels
- Pre- and post fader out per channel
- Panning
- Stereo out
- Power consumption around 100mA each rail

Drum Mixer schematic: Control board 01

Drum Mixer schematic: Control board 02
Just a straight forward implementation of a mixer. Nothing special to mention.
- None
Building hints
- This a all SMD project. Work slowly when soldering. It is quite dense.
Special parts
- The faders are from Befaco
Drum Mixer control board documentation downloadDrum Mixer control board Gerber files download
Drum Mixer *.fpd file