Rotating Gate


Rotating Gate front view.

With this module you can distribute the incoming gate or trigger up to eight outputs. The distribution is software driven. You can select the amount of the stepped through outputs from zero to eight with a potentiometer and an input control voltage. The potentiometer voltage and the control voltage are added together. The mode potentiometer and the mode control voltage selects the algorithm for the distribution. As for the moment (2021 Nov.) only one mode is implemented. Stepping upwards loop. Any suggestions or programs are welcome.

Specs and features



Rotating Gate control board schematic

Rotating Gate: Schematic control board

Rotating Gate main board schematic

Rotating Gate: Schematic main board





  • None

Building hints

  • None

Special parts

  • None


Rotating Gate control board documentation download
Rotating Gate control board Gerber files download
Rotating Gate main board documentation download
Rotating Gate main board Gerber files download
Rotating Gate software files download
Rotating Gate *.fpd file

Rotating Gate front view

Rotating Gate: Front view

Rotating Gate populated control PCB

Rotating Gate: Populated control PCB

Rotating Gate populated main PCB

Rotating Gate: Populated main PCB

Rotating Gate back view

Rotating Gate: Back view

Rotating Gate side view

Rotating Gate: Side view

2021 December V 0.9.0-F

2021 December V 0.9.5_B

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