OR, from two in one to eight in one (and more)


OR front view.

This logic module was thought to be used for my drum case to combine gates and triggers, scalable from two in one to eight in one. The output of each stage is normalled to the next input. Besides "OR-ing" the incoming signals together, they are set to 5V square output (easy changeable). So you can make use of this logic module in audio as well. Rectification, clipping and mixing in the audio domain makes for some interesting sonic experiments.

Specs and features



OR control board schematic

OR: Schematic control board


Easiest way to look at it is to think of a lot of diodes. All those diodes just OR the input signals together. The DG202B switches on at about 2V threshold.



  • None

Building hints

  • If you want to change the output level, adapt R1 and R2 to your needs and adapt the series resistors for the LED accordingly.

Special parts

  • None


OR control board documentation download
OR control board Gerber files download
OR *.fpd file

OR front view

OR: Front view

OR populated control PCB front

OR: Populated control PCB front

OR populated control PCB back

OR: Populated control PCB back

OR half front view

OR: Half front view

OR back view

OR: Back view

OR side view

OR: Side view

2025 March

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