Gate Delay


Gate delay front view.

This module starts as a need for my Shakuhachi 2 Synth project. I was in need for a short Gate Delay of about 10ms (which is easy to realize). But then I thought about a more flexible solution with adjustable delay time and optional trimming the gate at the end. To be used elsewhere in the synth as well. So I came up with this solution. The hardware is still simple and the functionality lies in the software. So far I have only realized the function which I nee for my Shakuhachi to Synth project. But you can easily improve about this with changing the software.

Specs and features



Gate delay control board schematic

Gate Delay: Schematic control board

Gate delay main board schematic

Gate Delay: Schematic main board


IC1A on page one is the input protection for the microprocessor. IC1B is the output buffer. On page two you see the microprocessor and the additional circuitry for running and programming it.



  • None

Building hints

  • None

Special parts

  • None


Gate delay control board documentation download
Gate Delay control board Gerber files download
Gate delay main board documentation download
Gate Delay main board Gerber files download
Gate Delay software files download
Gate Delay *.fpd file

Gate Delay front view

Gate Delay: Front view

Gate Delay populated control PCB

Gate Delay: Populated control PCB

Gate Delay populated main PCB

Gate Delay: Populated main PCB

Gate Delay back view

Gate Delay: Back view

Gate Delay side view

Gate Delay: Side view

2021 October V 0.9.0-F

2021 October V 0.9.5_B

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